Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eternal Engagement Rings for Formal Women Wear

It was in Egypt, where the oldest form of exchange of engagement rings were recorded and it dates back nearly 5000 years ago when a never ending band coincided with eternal love. Later for the Romans, a young lady’s acceptance of a ring was a legal agreement and meant that the girl was no longer available. These ancient engagement and wedding rings were not gold engagement rings and were only made from simple and crude bands of iron.

Even in these modern times, the gold engagement ring is still regarded as a potent symbol of unity and marriage, which sends out a message about a person’s marital status. Traditions have changed over the centuries and not only have the materials have the rings are made out of changed but today, men too are now choosing to wear a ring as a symbol of lasting love, fidelity and commitment.

These were tokens that indicated the sealing of a marriage contract and were certainly a whole lot different from what we have now accept today as an engagement ring and probably wouldn’t have turned too many heads or invoked the green eyed monster because of their beauty and brilliance.

In early Roman times, these rings were nothing more than simple hoops made out of iron and it wasn’t until much later that this metal was replaced by previous metals like gold and silver.

These rings with precious stones would look very nice on any formal women wear . If you are buying your lady a ring then buy something that match her formal women wear to make her look even more sophisticated and elegant.

Diamonds were discovered in India only during the 9th century but it wasn’t until the 1500 onwards that brides to be would be wearing something little bit more special and even then, diamonds would be very much for the wealthy and the royalty.

Since the discovery of diamonds, these stones have always been prized for their beauty and brilliance as well as their extreme harness! That is why investing on a diamond is great decision to make especially if you are proposing for your loved one.

Enhancing Formal Women Wear: Using Diamonds

Do you want your look to be more fascinating and more eye-catching? Well, there’s an easy solution to that. Add diamonds to your formal women wear ! That’s right, the simplest and easiest way to make formal women wear is to wear a little bit of diamond jewelry.

What do you know why diamonds act as they do when worn? Diamonds are allotropes of carbon, whose hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for jewelry and even industrial applications.

In Greek, diamond means “impossible to tame” and these previous gems are commonly found in central or southern Africa. Also significant sources of the mineral have been discovered in Canada, Brazil, Russia and Australia.

There are natural and synthetic diamonds. There are a lot of people who are trying to make them for a long time because diamonds have a high value. Synthetic diamonds were first produced in 1953 in Stockholm Sweden by ASEA, Sweden’s major electrical manufacturing company. Pressure was maintained within a device at an estimated 83,000 atmospheres for an hour to produce these diamonds.

It now seems possible to make diamonds I a tube so perfect down to the same atomic structure that De Beers, the world’s largest diamond consortium is intimidated.

These diamonds too can be sold at a profit. Apparently there are in Russia alone, 5 laboratories producing synthetic diamonds that have the same atomic structure as natural diamonds but with one difference, they are too perfect.

They have the same characteristics as the natural diamonds down to the same hardness, same amount of conductivity and the same sparkle.

There two processes used in order to produce synthetic diamonds.

The oldest procedure would be to use pressure, a lot of it and of course – carbon. Since diamonds are made out of carbon, eventually people were able to make diamonds in this way but these diamonds were easily distinguishable from natural diamonds. Originally, the pressure process was developed by GE and my major manufacturers on a much larger scale.

The other process and the latest one would be cubic pressure system. It grows diamonds layer by layer as a chemical process and is called Chemical vapor deposition.

Diamonds for formal women wear: Tell if a diamond is a faker or genuine

Formal women wear can be seen incomplete without the sparkle of a diamond so why not invest on a diamond? It will surely make your formal women wear attire look more elegant and stunning. But be warned, there are fakers out there that may dupe you and your hard earned cash!

When looking at diamonds, never look at it on a tray or jeweler’s tray to be exact. However, try looking at it on a newspaper or look at the diamond while it is resting on a printed material. The diamond is real if you are unable to read the print through the facets; on the other hand, if the diamond is a fake then it is simply like looking through the stone like a glass.

Thermal conductivity can also be one of the tests to make sure a diamond is a fake. Diamonds are extremely good conductors of heat and most jewelers have a small instrument that can measure this. No other material can ever match a diamond with this test.

You can also try fogging. This test is a very easy test to do since all you have to do is put the rock in front of your mouth and fog it as if you would a mirror. If it stays fogged for two to four seconds then you guessed – it’s a fake. However, if you fogged it and it immediately disappeared then you can be certain that it’s not a fake. A genuine diamond disperses the heat instantaneously so by the time you look at it, it has already cleared up.

Though it’s an easy test, it’s not that reliable since there are doublet diamonds – meaning the outside is pure diamond but the inside or core would be cubic zirconia attached together. Also sometimes oil and dirt on the stone can affect its reliability.

You can also try looking at stamps on the setting of the jewel, stamps like 14k, 18k, 750, 900, 950, PT, Plat can indicate that the stone is real as well. However, a logo or stamp of C.Z. indicates that it’s a fake.